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Old Dec 12, 2007, 05:52 PM // 17:52   #201
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Originally Posted by Ninian_Grace
GW2 will not kill GW1. other games will kill GW2 AND GW1...especially thinking about Diablo 3.
I thought Hellgate London was Diablo 3....

Seriously though, GW2 doesn't need to compete againbst Diablo or StarCraft. The fact that it's free-to-play means it can share disk space.

I'd be more worried about Diablo 3 or StarCraft 2 if I owned WoW... oh, wait...
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Old Dec 12, 2007, 05:56 PM // 17:56   #202
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Originally Posted by pumpkin pie
I've been noticing that a lot of people on this forum have the same idea that Anet don't need or don't want to do anything about Guild Wars because, well they don't need to, and wishes for Anet to concentrate making a good Guild Wars 2.
I think many people don't understand the basic nature of Guild Wars as a game....

In the realm of computer/video games there are basically two types of games - stand alone & on-line. In a stand-alone game (think game cartridges, or PC games like Tombraider.) you have a fixed amount of content which you play through, and can (usually) re-play as much as you want. However, once you've played through the content, that's it, that's all there is - time to get another game. The company creating the game (usually) tries to give you enough content to make you satisfied with your purchase and perhaps buy more games from the same company, often in the same series. (for example, Tombraider 2.) (Whether or not you get enough content is a personal decision and not relevant to this)

In on-line games (Everquest, WoW, etc.) the content can be ever expanding because the company providing the content wants you to keep paying to play each month (or whatever time frame).

Guild Wars is somewhere in between these two, but is, in reality, much closer to a stand-alone game than a true on-line game. It has more in common with games like Half-Life which allow you to connect to others on-line to share some of the game experience.
Basically Guild Wars has a fixed amount of content that you play through. Once you've done all the content, there's not much else to do. Since you don't pay-to-play there is no incentive for ANet to provide any more content than what was originally "in-the-box" nor is it realistic for you to expect them to. Yes, ANet does sometimes add content (the Furnace being a good example), but that is mostly to keep people interested in GW and to keep selling more copies of the game.

So, what I'm leading up to is this....

Guild Wars may continue after Guild Wars 2 comes out, but it will most probably remain stagnant with no knew content (unless GW2 bombs horribly). Anyone who wishes to still play GW and people who purchase GW after GW2 comes out, will still be able to play. But the important thing to remember is that, without some financial incentive, ANet is under no obligation to add any new content to Guild Wars either now or after GW2 comes out.
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Old Dec 12, 2007, 05:57 PM // 17:57   #203
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I think it's meant to kill GW1. Look at the Hall of Monuments and that there's going to be no more expansions.
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Old Dec 12, 2007, 05:59 PM // 17:59   #204
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Originally Posted by Alexandra-Sweet
Titles were suppose to be rare, now every character has one.
oh bullshit.

If this were ture than over 90% of the titles wouldnt be a complete cakewalk, be able to be bought, or afk farmed. The only "rare" title left in guildwars was the champion title track, and even then its been skewed by a bunch of people selling high ranked pugs to pve players that ran bloodspike and ritspike and bullshit all day to try and farm another title.
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Old Dec 12, 2007, 06:01 PM // 18:01   #205
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Originally Posted by Mordakai
I thought Hellgate London was Diablo 3....

Seriously though, GW2 doesn't need to compete againbst Diablo or StarCraft. The fact that it's free-to-play means it can share disk space.

I'd be more worried about Diablo 3 or StarCraft 2 if I owned WoW... oh, wait...
HAHA! well actually Hellgate did it for me. I hooked on the Hellgate fishrod and screw GW. got fed up of trying to get Legendary Guardian and doing HM mission.

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Old Dec 12, 2007, 06:22 PM // 18:22   #206
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if GW2 requires vista... i will still play GW1. as i will not install vista.

if however they release a linux or mac client i will play GW2
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Old Dec 12, 2007, 06:43 PM // 18:43   #207
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i need gw2 now
infact i needed it after nightfall
sooner the better, gw1 is over
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Old Dec 12, 2007, 07:05 PM // 19:05   #208
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I will not give up on GW1 for one very very important reason. My characters. You people might think its weird, but I have attachments to my characters, and I will go back and visit them whenever possible. I couldn't leave Katherine, Mariko, Nedaa, Chou and even Matilda alone for too long. It would hurt too much and even though I will be playing their ancestors *points to family tree she is working on*, I will still want to see them again. Guild Wars is my first MMO, I can't just leave it so soon. Sure, some people on there are jerks and its out of date at times, but I have so much left to do that I can't leave just yet. Besides, my little cousin just got the game a few months ago and I can't leave him alone in Tyria. That'd just be cruel. >.<
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Old Dec 12, 2007, 07:20 PM // 19:20   #209
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Originally Posted by Gargle Blaster
if GW2 requires vista... i will still play GW1. as i will not install vista.

if however they release a linux or mac client i will play GW2
I think they will release other versions, simply because Vista isn't selling. Last time I checked Vista was in the 1-2% market share range.
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Old Dec 12, 2007, 07:38 PM // 19:38   #210
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Originally Posted by Markaedw
I think they will release other versions, simply because Vista isn't selling. Last time I checked Vista was in the 1-2% market share range.
More likely it will support both dx9 & 10
dx10 version will have some extra gloss for those who have the hardware
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Old Dec 12, 2007, 07:40 PM // 19:40   #211
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Oh ya.

Make sure Gw2 Is compatible with Wine or can run Native in linux.
Im fine with either one, and put on the main GW site that it can be run in Linux.
That boosts sales.
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Old Dec 12, 2007, 08:25 PM // 20:25   #212
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Originally Posted by Markaedw
I think they will release other versions, simply because Vista isn't selling. Last time I checked Vista was in the 1-2% market share range.
For my information, where did you get these sales numbers?
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Old Dec 12, 2007, 10:43 PM // 22:43   #213
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I fully intend to play Guild Wars 1 even when Guild Wars 2 comes out. I've spent a lot of time on my characters and still am, and with two accounts...yeah.

My question is - say you have Guild Wars 1 and 2, and you add a new armor set to the Hall of Monuments after you've started playing GW2. Would your GW2 char still get it? Or would that have been pointless since you already played it?
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Old Dec 12, 2007, 11:01 PM // 23:01   #214
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all i can say is wow, this whole "guild wars is dead" thread crap needs ended.

if you think its dead, i got 8 words for you...

gimmie yo' shiz, cuz imma keeps playin', playa.

uninstall, quit, blow up your computer, do whatever you want till gw2 comes out. i could care less what happens to gws1 unless they just bomb the game, i love it how it is, and its my fav mmo ever made (for now), so unless something GREAT comes out (which so far nothing in terms of MMOs), im gonna play my gws1.

lol and yay, another pokemon named poster on gwg :P (slowerpoke)
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Old Dec 12, 2007, 11:02 PM // 23:02   #215
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Originally Posted by Tender Wolf
My question is - say you have Guild Wars 1 and 2, and you add a new armor set to the Hall of Monuments after you've started playing GW2. Would your GW2 char still get it? Or would that have been pointless since you already played it?
No one knows, even the Devs don't fully know... ask again this time next year
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Old Dec 12, 2007, 11:59 PM // 23:59   #216
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Hopefully it's better, so yes.
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Old Dec 13, 2007, 12:55 AM // 00:55   #217
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Originally Posted by Gargle Blaster
if GW2 requires vista... i will still play GW1. as i will not install vista.

if however they release a linux or mac client i will play GW2
You will need direct x to play it so yes on Vista unless they can make it playable on XP.
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Old Dec 13, 2007, 02:11 AM // 02:11   #218
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Originally Posted by Gargle Blaster
if GW2 requires vista... i will still play GW1. as i will not install vista.

if however they release a linux or mac client i will play GW2
lol @ppl who dont upgrade into better technology.
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Old Dec 13, 2007, 04:13 AM // 04:13   #219
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sequels are normally made basically because their old game sucks( for the modern time.)... if gw2 doesnt destroy gw1 then...
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Old Dec 13, 2007, 04:16 AM // 04:16   #220
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Magikarp Good points.


Its a fact.
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